Blog & Hotdish
Bloggity blogging with a helping of Hotdish
Thoughts on Hope and the Environment
Thoughts on Managing a Timeline, part 1
🔖This essay accompanies Chapter 03: Cameron Green. Time keeps going forward, day by day, at least in the real world. In The Butterfly Koi you may have noticed it works a little differently. Specifically, the timeline for each character runs sequentially but jumping between points-of-view means you may also be
Thoughts on the Main Character
🔖This essay accompanies Chapter 02: Cameron Green. I’ve spent an embarrassingly large percentage of my life enrolled in higher education. Graduate school, in particular, turns out to be a habit that is surprisingly hard to quit. Two significant takeaways from all my time in school about good presentation skills
Thoughts On the Environment
🔖This essay accompanies Chapter 01: Fujiwara Eika. The climate is changing, and human activities are the cause. I can’t believe that’s a controversial statement in 2023, but here we are—at least, in the United States, where I’m writing this essay. Despite devastating fires, droughts, floods and
On Framing a Story
🔖This essay accompanies Chapter 00: Preface. Writing a story is a tricky thing, stringing events together into a sequence that becomes a narrative. There’s a magic to the process, the transformation of words and events into a conglomerate that conveys meaning beyond the ingredients. Writing a novel is like
One Week to Go
The Butterfly Koi is coming next week
The Butterfly Koi, an art
Swimming against the current and swept together by circumstance, these six strange bedfellows have everything to lose.
The Butterfly Koi, a novel: Coming soon
Swimming against the current and swept together by circumstance, these six strange bedfellows have everything to lose. Magic is here, ready to store your data and keep your cell phone charged... endlessly. But what the packaging won’t say is magic doesn’t work for everyone. Eika Fujiwara, heiress to