Book 1: The Butterfly Koi
CHAPTER 23 : Interstitial 2
Them apples
Book 1: The Butterfly Koi
Them apples
Book 1: The Butterfly Koi
Steaming bathwater
Book 1: The Butterfly Koi
AppKey activated
Book 1: The Butterfly Koi
The place where everything was foam
Book 1: The Butterfly Koi
Six-lobe hex screwdriver
Book 1: The Butterfly Koi
A ridiculous penguin ice sculpture
Book 1: The Butterfly Koi
Full adult employment
Book 1: The Butterfly Koi
Fruit Man
Book 1: The Butterfly Koi
Raw horse
I’m going to start my comments this week by immediately sending you off to read someone else’s work.
Book 1: The Butterfly Koi
Her hand, a superstition
Something in this chapter actually happened to me. Can you guess what it was?