Book 1: The Butterfly Koi
CHAPTER 13 : Date Hatsumi
Tiger, maple leaf, and a lucky cat
Book 1: The Butterfly Koi
Tiger, maple leaf, and a lucky cat
Book 1: The Butterfly Koi
Aprons, pro or con
A peek inside the curtain of their social media
Book 1: The Butterfly Koi
The Depths IV
This year, in the transition between finishing The Butterfly Koi and launching here, I experimented with a bit of a webcomic, a little out-of-continuity snark à la mode.
Book 1: The Butterfly Koi
Exactly one audition for a paper towel commercial
Book 1: The Butterfly Koi
Shrimp with a side of answers
Book 1: The Butterfly Koi
One bullet missing
Book 1: The Butterfly Koi
A low-stakes game of hanafuda